Mature gay men stories

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Puberty sort of came and went, and other than frequent 'Night Time Emissions' which my father explained were signs that the devil had tempted me in my sleep, but no harm was done that a sincere prayer of contrition would put right, didn't really change my life much.

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I have to admit, I sort of went along with it, spending my youth in various church youth clubs, being a diligent alter boy and generally 'Living for God' Since neither parent would ever contemplate birth control, they probably had intercourse twice. I was born 19 months after my parents' wedding, my sister 4 years later, and as far back as I can remember my parents slept in separate rooms. My family consisted of my parents, my younger sister and myself. As far as I was concerned it was the road to Shangri La, the Yellow Brick Road, the Path of Destiny. I should point out that the choice of words 'Road to ruin' was my fathers, not mine.

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